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The Mindset Of A Champion Speaker

Grace L Holden • July 15, 2020

The Mindset Of A Champion Speaker

There are two types of people that walk off this field, the winners and the losers. In order to be one of the winners, we have to practice, prepare, and perform at a high level. For example, how many of you have shown up at a speaking event and you really didn’t spend the week before practicing? To be a winner, you have to practice repeatedly and read and study your crowd. 

So when you practice, you will really want to know what to stay before you get on the stage. You need to spend time practicing, reading, and preparing everything about what you need to say. 

You have to practice just like a champion would. You need to do your research - prepare the best that you can,!  I want you to research and dig deeper into your audience and ultimately, give them the champion in you.

Many of us will try to go off of memory, but you need to take the time to prepare before you go out there. For example, do you think Les Brown just goes out there and does it? Maybe now he does, but not in the beginning. I was the same way - but you still find me practicing before I go out before a crowd. I always have to prepare before I get out before the crowd, and I always perform at a high level.

What do I mean by performing at a high level? That means you are radiant, you are there, you build up energy before you get up on stage. Maybe you pump yourself up, maybe you use your nervousness, you use your fear, you use whatever is inside of you and turn it into positive energy - because when you get out there, you have to perform at a high level.

Why? Because the audience depends on you. You depend on you - you want to be invited back!

I work with people right now that call me to work with them on their keynote. They haven’t really looked at it until I get there, and that is fine. It is up to me to prepare at the end of the day. Why? Because as a champion, no one will depend on you but you. Not even your coach, just yourself. So go get the information before you get there. Study, practice, prepare, perform and your output will be a high level. So make sure you are not waiting until the last minute to get yourself ready. Get ready ready now.

Dream Large and Believe. 

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